I do not really comment on peoples post but I can assure you I read blogs all day long! I just never really know how to comment or what to comment but I am there.... lurking around every corner! I am much better at just posting some pictures and calling it a day so once again today I am going to share my most recent pictures with everyone. Some of you may not like them very much but if you look past the shirt there is a beautiful little girl :)
I can not believe how fast she is growing up..... I look at these pictures and compare them to just a month ago, she is totally different! She can say her own name.... it is so cute, you have got to hear it she even gets the "brey" I was always afraid it would be aubey but it is definatly aubrey! Her little personality shows so much independance but at the same time so much need. I know she is only 18 months old but if you spend a day with her there are times you would think she was so much older. When we tell her it is time to say the blessing at the dinner table she reaches out to grab our hands it just makes me melt! "Holding hands was always a Warren tradition at the dinner table" She can say amen at the end..... so much I could tell you that she has learned but you would probably get pretty bored! And just so you know julia.... when you come next week you are STILL Aunt DooDoo so you have alot of work in store for you :)
On another note, Jonathan you are in my thoughts and prayers ALL the time, we miss you and can not wait to see you! Please remember to be careful.... I know I shouldnt have to remind you of that but hey you are the guy that blew your eye up with a potato gun so I really dont think you could be reminded to much :) Remember also, "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord "plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all you heart." Jeremiah 29 11-13 Never stop seeking.... pray without ceasing! We love you SOOOO much and can not wait to talk to you soon!
And for now.... she is just calling me "Dee"... and today it was very loud DEEEEEE !!!!
I loved it -
Keep posting - if for no other reason - it is a journal. (I sure wish I had been more diligent keeping mine!) So this can just be your journal - I think that Jessica (Compton)Keith told Julia about a way to have each year's blog bound. We will have to check on that.
Oh... and by the way - Jonathan didn't blow his eye up ... just his eyebrow and eyelashes :)
Love you my Jen!
I can look past that uuugggly shirt and see my "Little Bit". She's beautiful just her Momma. Thank you to Jen and Andy both for her. Good job.
Love ya'll
I meant "just like her Momma"
That is my little stink bait!!! UGLY TERRIBLE shirt and all. Oh and I don't care what any one else thinks or gets bored about, I want you to tell me everything. I miss yall like crazy and can't wait to see you on skype and in person. I'm serrious though don't leave anything about my little stink bait out. I love you sis. and you too andy. Thanks for all the prayers.
p.s. I'm being careful I have a brantley (and more) to come home to.
Aubrey is just too cute! She by far the most fashionable toddler I know. (Besides the Auburn shirt)
I think Aubrey looks wonderful, if people don't like her shirt they should just look at her precious face!
Enjoy these days when you can get good pictures. It is like pulling teeth to get my boys to pose for pictures these days, I don't know if it is their age or that fact that they are boys!!
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