Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I am home with a sick baby AGAIN! She was up until 2:30am throwing up about every ten minutes, I FINALLY got her to go to bed and she woke back up at 6:00. Fortunatly she has only gotten sick once this morning so hopefully she is over it! I think the final count was 4 pairs of pajamas, three baths, three sets of sheets, eight towels, 4 blankets, and I changed my clothes three times :) So you can imagine what my house looked like and smelled like this morning because at some point during the night we stopped bathing and stopped changing clothes and just decided to sleep in it :) The washer and dryer have been running ALL day to get all the sheets and clothes clean....I got up and decided I am tired of getting sick and Aubrey getting sick so if it can be cloroxed ( is that a word) it is and EVERYTHING is getting Lysol. So NOW can you imagine what my house smells like :) HaHa we have gone from one nasty mess to a totally sterilized house. I still have to vacuum and mop the floor but Aubrey is taking her nap so I do not dare make any noise that might wake the sleeping beast :) ( I will be in trouble for that comment from her Momma Dee) Mom is going to bring her Kirby Vacuum cleaner over so I can shampoo the carpets in aubrey's room because the smell is still lingering. I can not imagine how people do this with more than one kid. I guess it is kindof the same as last night you are just fighting for survival. I felt so sorry for her though she had no idea what was happening and couldn't understand why I wasn't doing anything about it... I am so glad that night is over! Hopefully tonight will run alittle smoother.


DeeDee said...

You are right .... you are in trouble....
and with Poppa too!!!!

Hope it was just a 24 hour bug and that you and Andy do not get it too (or me either).
Love you Jen!

Darlene said...

I bet it is a virus. Yesterday, a girl in my class got sick and I almost got sick with her. It is so different when it is not your child! I felt bad...being all grown up and couldn't help the student. LOL The janitor told I would get use to it. NOT! That is something I don't think you ever get use to.
Hope she is better and that Andy and you don't get it.