Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I have a confession to make....

This morning's potty training was becoming very aggravating for me. Aubrey was fine and enjoying all the juice and cookies, what else could a two year old ask for right?!?! At about 10:30 I was ready to give up (pitiful I know) so I starting searching for tips on potty training on google. It is never a good thing when I start searching on google. I came across a "Potty Train Your Child in Three Days" I read the WHOLE page and believe me it was LONG, I kept waiting for the answer I knew there would be a great trick that would teach my child how to potty train. (Yeah Right!) At the VERY bottom of the page I realized that for one easy payment of $24.95 they would give me all the secrets and promised it would work! At that point I was contimplating it but I knew andy would kill me so I refused and kept searching for something free :) Then, I came across a website about how people are beginning to hire a potty trainer. Can I just tell you that is a WONDERFUL idea! I am sure there are some who disagree but after the potty filled day I have had I am ready to write a check :) Any takers?!?!?

I then read the comments that I had from yesterday's blog and I started setting my kitchen timer. Aubrey and I talked about what it meant when the timer went off and the first couple of times she would get excited and sit on the potty after the 50th 15 minute increment neither one of us were quite as enthusiastic. I do have to say that it did work pretty well but I am not sure that she is understanding the whole concept. I know everyone keeps saying it will click one day but for now I think she just thinks her mom has lost her mind and she better just go along with it. For anyone keeping score we had four successful trips to the potty and four accidents. I think that is a very good day.

On a side note I had the sweetest thing happen today with aubrey that I wanted to share. Every night aubrey and I have the same routine. Bath, kiss daddy good night, then we read Hop on Pop, Marvin K. Mooney, and I love you through and through. Then after that I sing Jesus Loves me, You are my sunshine, and twinkle twinkle. Well, I was playing on the computer this morning and aubrey was playing in her play room when all the sudden I heard aubrey talking to one of her babies then I heard her singing Jesus loves me. I snuck around the corner and saw my precious little girl rocking in her little rocking chair and holding her baby all wrapped up in a blanket singing Jesus Loves me! She looked up at me and said "SSSHHH! The baby is sleeping" I thought that was so sweet.

We will see what tomorrow brings....


Krista said...

That is sweet! She's ready to be a big sister. Don't give up on the potty training; just don't buy anymore diapers and she will get it. The headache only lasts for a little while and then you get to enjoy the temporary blessing of no more diapers (until new baby).

Praying for her to want to!

Tricia said...

Just hang it there, it will come and it will be wonderful!

Mitzi said...

There is nothing sweeter than hearing a child sing that song, especially when they are in their own little world. The first time Abbie held Mollie when we brought her home, she was sitting in the recliner and she just started singing Jesus Loves Me to Mollie. It is a moment none of us will ever forget and will treasure always. You are blessed to have experienced Aubrey doing this.