Monday, December 15, 2008


Ok, so I am officially overwhelmed and I am becoming more and more stressed by the day. I feel like I have fallen so far behind in EVERYTHING I do not think that I will ever catch up. My house is a WRECK.... laundry needs to be done, I have not wrapped ONE present, I still have tons of presents to buy, my kitchen STILL needs to be painted because now I have a test square in the middle of my wall that is driving me crazy! I have a million things that need to be done before barrett gets here not to mention a million things that need to be bought! I have only half way moved Aubrey to her big girl room which means her stuff is spread out between two rooms right now. I still have her decorations up in the nursery and none in her new room. I have not even had time to think about what I will hang on the wall in the nursery for Barrett. Somewhere I need to find the time to potty train Aubrey and break her from her paci, and at the same time I do not want Aubrey to feel like she is being forgotten or passed over because of all the busyness that life has brought us right now.

How in the world did things get so turned upside down!! I have never been a crazy organized person but I normally can keep all the balls in the air that I am juggling. Somewhere, somehow I bit off more than I could chew and I am sinking fast!! This weekend I had some time to get some stuff done and I felt like instead of accomplishing anything I just ran in circles because I had so much that needed to be done. I did get my kitchen cleaned, I even polished my kitchen cabinets but if you were to come by tonight I would be embarrased for you to even go in my kitchen.... how does that happen? How can things get so out of hand so fast? Why is it not easier for me to keep things in order.

So for tonight I am just trying not to cry from being overwhelmed and maybe I will try to figure out a schedule of when everything will get done. 1st on my list, paint my kitchen that was supposed to be my anniversary present! 2nd clean this place up and keep it clean! Maybe I should just start with two things so that when they are finally accomplished I will feel like I am doing good. I think that I will go buy paint tomorrow and get started maybe I can be finished by this weekend so that I will have time to clean.

Sorry for the emotional ranting, maybe next time I will be more joyous but for tonight I think I am going to curl up in my bed and catch up on my tivo and hopefully start my day tomorrow with a new attitude!

Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6


Julia said...

you can do it!

can you paint while pregnant? do the fumes not cause issues?? I think Andy should do the painting...

it helps me to set the timer - like when we were little, when mom would do it while we were doing school work... you can actually fold a load of laundry an dput it up in less than 5 minutes if you don't do ANYTHING else in the middle! Also, do the kitchen every other 10 minute cycle... one thing at a time...

haha... I love ya sis - wish I could come help you out...

Mitzi said...

Just to let you know, I am feeling the same way. I finally put the Christmas boxes that I never opened back in the attic so that I would not be so overwhelmed. I think they can stay there until next Christmas when I will have more time (probably not) to put it all out. Stuff, Stuff, Stuff is EVERYWHERE! Where does it come from? And CLOTHES, CLOTHES, CLOTHES how do so many of them get dirty? I hope I can get caught up while I am off for the holiays but for some reason I really doubt that I will....I want to enjoy being with the kids, not cleaning house....

Tricia said...

I know exactly how you feel, and instead of doing things right now I am on the computer! I have not even done my Christmas cards, hopefully by the end of the week that will be done.

Do not worry about having everything all done by the time Barrett gets here, when my boys were born our house in Trussville was all in boxes. They stayed in the NICU for 3 weeks, we moved here 1 week before they came home, so their nursery was definitely not what I wanted, but it did not matter one bit to them. So do what you can and do not worry, what needs to get done will get done eventually.


Jenifer said...

I painted Aubrey's nursery when I was pregnant and it didn't bother me so I think I will be fine painting the kitchen. It is such an open room there is good circulation.