Sunday, December 28, 2008

Short & Sweet

Because I am so far behind on everything I will only give highlights of the last week's events instead of drawing it all out into a few different blogs. Unfortunately there are no pictures but since I am off all week this week I will hopefully be caught up with all of that also.

For those who are wondering, the reason I have not posted any pictures of the kitchen is because I have not quite finished it yet. Curtains need to be hung and pictures need to be put up. I still have a few things to go buy, table cloth and center piece. Hopefully that will be finished by the end of the week and I will post pictures of it also.

Christmas was great this year with Aubrey although alittle too busy for my liking. We really didn't stop from Christmas Eve until yesterday afternoon. Poor Aubrey was asking all day Christmas day if she could just go home and play with her new kitchen! Since we got home late I let her stay up that night until 10:30 just so she could play with her new toys. We have decided that from now on either things will be spread out more or we are going to have to pass on some of the holiday festivities. She got alot of great new toys but my favorite is her new Bible that Julia & Ronnie gave her. I wanted something simple that we could read together before she went to bed at night and that is exactly what they gave her! It is called "The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His name" By Sally Lloyd-Jones. We started reading it today and I LOVE it! The story is so simple and just right for her age.

I am going to be selling my camera hopefully soon, I am taking it to Wolf on Tuesday for it's yearly cleaning and maintenance and then I am going to put it up for sell on Ebay. I have found one that I am wanting to upgrade to and I want it before Barrett gets here. So all of my Christmas money is going towards an upgrade. :)

Tomorrow I am staying home all day and working on the potty training again. Aubrey and I have really been talking about it and I really think she can understand more this go around. Tonight we "threw-away" her diapers so when she wakes up in the morning her only choice is the big girl panties. She is normally fine with wearing big girl panties until it is time to go to the bathroom then she pleads with me to put her diaper back on. I of course have not thrown her diapers away so if we seem to be getting no where then we will try again at a later date.

So this blog wasn't really short but I feel like I have caught everyone up. Since tomorrow is potty training then maybe Tuesday I will have time to upload some pictures for everyone!

Just in case anyone was wondering.....I am 31 weeks as of Monday December 29th. That means I am 9 weeks from my due date and 8 weeks from when my Dr. will induce :) Two months away from our little guy being here!


DeeDee said...

YEA!!! Potty training is going well. Much better than last time!

It is hard to believe that little Barrett will be here so soon. I can hardly wait to get my hands on him. :)

I love you my precious daughter! I am praying for you.

DeeDee said...

I would love for you to come and join me in my read- through this year. I would enjoy reading your perspective along the way.
Love you!